samedi 11 mars 2023


By Bernard Bujold -
Very interesting this file published in Le Devoir this Saturday, March 11, 2023, on the sport of hockey and the sex scandals related to initiations. 
If there is a conclusion to this case, in my view, it is that any group activity that appeals to the feeling of team gives rise to abuse of power, whether in hockey, in education, in the work, in politics or in society in general. From the moment there is a group, there is a crowd movement at the level of feelings. This is what gives rise to the current polarization of society. We are for the movement of the crowd and its opinion, or we are against it. 
The war in Ukraine is a clear example of the polarization of humanity. 
Personally I've always been a lone wolf and I've never been a fan of the team spirit preferring individual projects, but it has become difficult, if not almost impossible, to live individuality in 2023 when all our society is so polarized... 
If I have a consolation, it is that of the old man that I am can say that he will have known the good old days, because he was a lone wolf...

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