mercredi 1 mars 2023


By Bernard Bujold- 
There are two unavoidable events in humanity: birth and death... 
If it is joy to witness a birth, death always brings sadness. Every week I experience the departure of one or more actors in the story of my life and each time it is a mourning, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes longer. 
I have experienced two long mourning periods in my life: that of my father and that of Pierre Péladeau. These two mournings lasted about ten years each, because these two men were my best friends, my mentors and my life inspirations. I miss my mother, but her mourning was different, as she died over a long period of time immobilized on a bed in a nursing home. It is as if in my mind she never died... 
The existential question for all humans: what is there after death? Are we alone in the universe after we die? I don't have the answer... 
My last mourning, for a few hours, is that of Pierre Lespérance, the pioneer of Quebec publishing. He was not a friend, but I had met him a few times and we respected each other. He was passionate about books, but not on an intellectual level. He was very realistic and present in each of his projects. He was a great publisher and it is true that he made books accessible everywhere in Quebec. I still remember that in Gaspésie I used to buy the books of the Éditions de l'Homme at the tobacconist's in my village... 

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