LIFTED OFF... FLIGHT TO SPACE - By Bernard Bujold - President Donald Trump was very happy that the space vehicle Space X lifted off on Saturday May 30, 2020 after a first cancellation on the scheduled launching last Wednesday. The success is this event also makes history as this launch of NASA astronauts into space from US soil is the first time since 2011. President Donald Trump is a supporter of Space travel by the NASA collaborating with the private sector and he would like the launching of a mission to Planet Mars during the next coming years. SEE PHOTOS
THE WHITE HOUSE AND HIS DOGS By Bernard Bujold The President of the United, Donald J. Trump, was not scared a minute by the hundred or so rioters in front of the White House on Friday night ( May 29, 2020) and if the situation had become worse, the security people had a very interesting weapon: army dogs, called K2. In other words: " Beware of the dogs!" SEE STORY
THE END OF THE WORLD? By Bernard Bujold - I remember when we were children, we were taught at school that one day the world would end and flames would destroy the whole earth. We were told that we had to be prepared by being obedient...
For the past ten years or so, the civilization of the planet has been under serious attack and we always wonder if it is the end of the world that is coming! In September 2011, there was first OCCUPY WALL STREET (here in Quebec the Carrés rouges in spring 2012); then in 2017, there was the METOO movement with Harvey Weinstein (here in Quebec it was with Gilbert Rozon in 2018 and Éric Salvail in October 2017). The MeToo Movement transformed human relations but it also destroyed economic empires and we can say that it was the end of the world for the employees concerned; then in February 2020, the whole world experienced the Coronavirus and the economic and residential containment that this virus forced. If that wasn't enough to destroy civilization, then on Monday, May 25, 2020, the murder of a black man (George Floyd) by a police officer (Derek Chavin) and filmed on iPhone put the United States in a situation of widespread riots across the country. If there is one observation, it is that in every period of civilization's destruction, tragedy has begun with the actions of a single person who has acted like blowing the lid off. THE CONCLUSION: the end of the world is near... SEE REPORT FROM LA PRESSE and SEE REPORT FOX NEWS
THE FUN OF THE WEEKEND - According to the faithful Ulysses: "...If you don't have the Coronavirus; if you don't have riots and fires on your street; and if you have a few good friends to share life with; then you are privileged, and happiness is at home...!" Have a great weekend!
THE WAR IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA WORLD - By Bernard Bujold - We can sense that there is a war going on right now between the various social media as well as the traditional ones, and inevitably in a war, there are losers. Personally, as a user, I have experienced the birth and death of many media. The first and most important death in social media was MYSPACE created in the summer of 2003, which quickly became the most popular social media, but it began to fall in popularity after the birth of FACEBOOK in 2004; and Twitter in 2006. What's the situation in 2020? MYSPACE is completely dead and out of the game; FACEBOOK has maintained its dominance but by buying and merging various acquisitions including the most popular at the moment: INSTAGRAM.
What happens to Twitter?
It remains to be seen but the medium is no longer what it once was in its infancy. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't see himself as a media but rather as a platform for people to meet, what I call private salons. The success or failure of social media directly influences the situation of traditional media and, unfortunately for them, there have only been deaths in combat since the birth of social media. The advantage of social media is that the whole environment is virtual (Internet data).
It's hard to defeat a machine unless you're another machine... To be continued!
STORY OF A LITTLE DOG AND THE INTERNET - By Bernard Bujold - A little local dog story became a world story. « A man is complaining to a woman about her dog running free in the park (New York) and the woman did not like the way the man is complaining so she called the cops on 911.
The two people, the man and the woman, did not want to press charge when the cops arrived but, the Internet took over with the publishing of the video on Facebook and Twitter by the man who took it.
The woman lost her job and the video got over 36,5 million hits, only one day after the event (Tuesday May 26, 2020) making the man and the woman known all around the world!» In today times, with the Internet and iPhone, you could be overnight a star all over the whole world! Conclusion: Be careful next time you are verbally fighting at the grocery store or on the street corner with a stranger. The « fame » might just be waiting for you! SEE VIDEO SEE STORY VOIR LA PRESSE
THE COURAGE OF THE WARRIOR - By Bernard Bujold - According to military literature, one must know how to choose one's battles and never embark on battles lost in advance, otherwise it is destruction, failure and elimination. I wouldn't want to be a merchant and be in downtown Montreal in May 2020 because that would be a lost battle! Sainte-Catherine Street, which had been closed to car traffic because of construction for almost two years (closed in January 2018 and reopened in the fall of 2019), is once again a battlefield, and it will be so until December 2021 . It's the whole downtown area, from McGill College (Indigo and Place Ville-Marie) to beyond the street of the Imperial Cinema (former palace of my friend Serge Losique), which is currently fenced off with passages worthy of the best secret corridors in China...
Even the streets surrounding the outside of the downtown square are fenced off. The Quebecor Empire is not even exempt because of construction of the new head office of the National Bank on his street! I walked the entire section of Sainte-Catherine Street under construction and I thought I was in a country of war, like in Afghanistan (which I saw in pictures...). Not only do Montreal merchants have to cope financially with the forced closure of their stores since last March because of containment and that they have to physically modify their sales spaces and their customer relations processes to prevent Coronavirus; now they find a downtown that has all the elements to be hated and make traffic impossible for consumers for the next year and a half! It is obvious that many, if not most, merchants will never leave this battlefield alive. It will be a massacre! Unless the Holy Brother André performs a miracle, which I doubt, because to the impossible no one is bound, not even Brother André... SEE PHOTO
BACK IN BUSINESS - By Bernard Bujold - It is finally on Monday, May 25 that Montreal businesses will reopen their doors. Personally, I was very sad at the thought that my favorite restaurant was closed! Even though I haven't been going there for several years now as I have been on a diet of lemon juice and broccoli, I've always had a romantic thought and look for McDonald's. My affection goes back to the 1980s when I greatly admired the president for the restaurants in Canada, George Cohen, who was a very well-known figure in the business world at the time and an inspiration to all entrepreneurs. As well, in the 1980s I had two young children and we often went to McDonald's.... Maybe on Monday, I'll turn a blind eye to my diet and treat Ulysses and me to a visit to Mcdonald's during the May 25, 2020 deconfinement? After all, you only live once...
THE MAYOR'S TULIPS - By Bernard Bujold - The faithful Ulysses never liked the style of the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, and he warned me that if I ever considered voting for her in November 2021, he would bite me?
"A wise man is worth two!" But Ulysses loves flowers and he wanted me to discover the tulips planted in front of the temporary Montreal City Hall (the real hotel is under renovation...). The tulip season is usually very abundant and colorful everywhere in Montreal, but this year, the 2020 season will be a very sober one because of the famous Coronavirus spring! Luckily spring is coming to an end and let's hope it will take the virus with him. Have a good end of spring 2020. SEE PHOTOS
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