jeudi 14 mars 2024


By Bernard Bujold - 
My friends ask me if I believe that Donald Trump will be re-elected this November? I tell them they're asking me the wrong question... The real question is: "Will I be happy if Donald Trump is elected, and the answer is yes! It would be the ultimate happiness for me, for the old man that I am. 
But no one can predict what will happen between now and November 5, and it's like a horse race! Who will win: Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Observers place the two opponents on an equal footing. Two old men convinced of their superiority; committed supporters loyal to their respective mentors; and a world divided by differences of opinion, not just in the United States, but all over the planet. 
An election campaign is like a horse race, against the clock. The only objective is to finish the race first, if only by a thread at the finish line. And if Donald wins, I'll be a very happy man! 
Happy in the depths of my soul... 
To be continued!

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