lundi 31 octobre 2022



By Bernard Bujold - 
About 3000 years ago, the Celtic calendar did not end on December 31st, but on October 31st. And this last night of the year was also the night of the god of death. Legend has it that the ghosts of the dead used the Celtic New Year to visit the living. To prevent the ghosts from haunting them, the Celts dressed in terrifying costumes to scare the ghosts on the evening of October 31. It was Irish immigrants who brought the Halloween tradition to the United States! 
Ulysses and I are not afraid of the dead, but we did come across the pumpkin monster and chased it away.The brave Ulysses managed to get the monster away from the residence and back into the forest! 
Happy Halloween 2022. Booouuuuuuuuuu

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