jeudi 15 juillet 2021


By Bernard Bujold - 
I had planned to read three books during the summer of 2021 but so far six books are on my bedside table. 
I am currently reading a Wall Street Journal reporter's account of the various events surrounding the November 3, 2020 failure. The blame for Donald Trump's defeat can be placed on three things. 
1. First, the coronavirus crisis that transformed the relationship in society, including the voting process, increasing the possibility of fraud; 
2. Second, a poor decision, or fear, to wait before attacking Joe Biden. Donald Trump and some of his team wanted to spare Biden for fear that if he destroyed him too early in the campaign, the Democrats would replace him with Bernie Sanders at the convention. Some members of Donald's organization wanted to take Biden down early in the campaign but decided to wait; 
3. The third cause of failure is a lack of unity (teamwork) among the various members of Trump's campaign cabinet. A political team is like a hockey team and it takes total unity to win. 
I enjoyed reading "Frankly We did win this election." by Michael Binder of the WSJ. 
In all, I have read 4 of my 6 summer books to date. I still have two more to go, a book on Facebook and the biography of a character I knew personally: Robert Maxwell. 
To be continued... 

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