mercredi 4 septembre 2024


By Bernard Bujold - 
I'm not usually afraid of the unexpected in life, but I do hate not having a way out... 
This is the situation I experienced the day after Labor Day when I got stuck in a broken-down elevator. 
The first five minutes are entertaining in a way, but after half an hour it becomes less enjoyable, especially if the building employee is shouting at you from behind the door that he can't open it in any way, and the ceiling loudspeaker is blaring instructions to operate the built-in telephone while you have no access to the famous locked phone. After 30 minutes locked in, you think: “This is how I'm going to die...”. It's silly to think that, but that's what I thought! The fact remains that if I'd had a heart attack and no way of getting out, it could have been a very dramatic event! 
Fortunately, I'm in good physical shape! The good news is that I got out alive, thanks to the firefighters, 45 minutes later... 
But in conclusion, I can say that I prefer the hammock to the elevator... 
Thanks to the firefighters and happy end of summer 2024!

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