mercredi 9 mai 2012

What if Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was as Francois Hollande and Jack Layton?

By Bernard Bujold ( -
The Quebec student leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois reminds one of Jack Jayton and of the new French president Francois Hollande! 
Nobody seriously believed in Layton or Hollande. Yet both politicians won their bet!
What would happen if Nadeau-Dubois was running in the next Quebec provincial election with behind him a prospective student in each riding of Quebec? Presumably he would not become Prime minister even though all may happen once in track. But his presence would certainly divide the votes across the province and also one can believe that he would win few parliamentary seats out of the 125 positions. A scenario that obviously has no connection with reality today because this no election declared. But certainly, elections will necessarily be launched by December 2013 and Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois is a young man to watch ... 
He is on the cover of the magazine ACTUALITÉ in newsstands this Friday, May 11, 2012. 
According to me, students should create "The Students' Party" with Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois as Chief. It would be a kind of the NDP with Jack Layton as in 2011. I bet he would win a few if not several counties, as elections is like the lottery! The end result is always unpredictable ... 
Stay tuned!
Photo 1: Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois;
Photo 2: Francois Hollande and his wife;
Photo 3: Jack Layton;
See comment election Francois Hollande
See site ACTUALITÉ magazine
Voir chronique Josée Legault ;
See website of the National Assembly of Quebec ;
See interview The Globe and Mail ;
See story La Presse ;

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