jeudi 29 décembre 2022


By Bernard Bujold -
One could describe the meeting at the restaurant at the end of December 2022 as the meeting of a new retiree version 2022 with an old retiree since 2010! 
Both have been around Quebec Inc. for their entire careers... 
With retirement, the three questions are whether we have succeeded in our life, if so why, and what is next? 
The answer to the first question is always very personal, because it depends on our life values. I have always said that I had an exciting career, but that 90% of what I did was a waste of time, especially the social events and cocktail parties... In retirement, the equation is reversed, because we know what will or will not be a waste of time! 
The answer to the second question is more universal, because the success or failure of a life is a matter of total luck! No one is ever a genius in his field, but it is timing and luck that determine the outcome. I have been around the whole of Quebec from the 1970's to the 2010's, and I have never met a genius, only lucky people! 
The answer to the third question is inescapable: what to do with the rest of our lives? The answer is also the most important of the three questions. We can't be wrong about our answer, because there will be no fourth question... 
Happy Year-end 2022! 

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