TEX LECOR (1933-2017)
By Bernard Bujold-
The artist Tex Lecor died in the night of Friday to Saturday September 9, 2017 as a result of pulmonary complications. He was 84 years old.
His real name was Paul Lecorre and he was born on June 10, 1933 in Saint-Michel-de-Wentworth, north of Lachute, in the Laurentians.
This artist TEX, who was loved by all, will be remembered as one of the greatest poets of Quebec; a humorist with his insolence of a telephone; and finally a painter.
Personally it is his musical work that touched me most because his songs reflected the traditional Quebec of the seventies, years of my adolescence. One can compare him to a Felix Leclerc at the level of his poetry deeply identified to Quebec and his people.
Tex Lecor had retired from the musical world since the beginning of 1980 and devoted himself to his first trade as a painter, a trade he had studied at the Montreal School of Fine Arts from 1951 to 1958 with other artists as the sculptor Armand Vaillancourt.
Another page in the history of Quebec has just turned...
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