(Continuing Stieg Larsson's Millennium Series)-
By Bernard Bujold-
I just finished reading the novel THE GIRL WHO TAKES AN EYE FOR AN EYE by David Legercrantz. A work polar style whose main action takes place around a worldwide illegal scientific network adoption of twins.
Over the years, dozens of couples of identical twins (mirrors) have been placed in completely opposite families to determine whether the adult fate of these twins is determined by the genes (inheritance of the parents) or by the social environment of the parents of the adoption. In this novel MILLENNIUM SERIES number 5, a twin is placed in a very rich industrial family while the other is placed in a poor farmer's house. The fate of each is obviously determined according to his social environment rather than because of the biologic origins.
The novel embroiders a whole romanticized polar action around the adoption but the important is the conclusion that the children of wealthy parents will accomplish more than those of the poor parents. Money is a powerful tool, if not the only real tool to fully accomplish oneself in human society.
Beyond this conclusion on the potential of twins, MILLENNIUM 5 is also very captivating in the writing and rhythm of the narrative fiction and several critics even say that Lagercrantz would be a better writer than the original author of the three first volumes of MILLENNIUM Series, Stieg Larsson who died suddenly in November 2004 of a heart attack. Lagercrantz had written volume 4 which sold more than 6 million copies.
I agree with this conclusion and it is evident that Lagercrantz is endowed with an exceptional talent although the characters were created by Larsson which greatly facilitates the task of an author continuing a literary work.
The two star characters of the MILLENNIUM since the first volume: Lisbeth Salander and the journalist Mikael Blomkvist are of course at the center of the new novel number 5 and they will return in the next volume 6 already promised by the author. Lovers of journalism will appreciate the chapters of the novel with Blomkvist while lovers of internet technology will love the chapters featuring Lisbeth.
A beautiful book that I loved reading on the veranda during this first weekend of the fall season 2017...
Happy reading to all!
The book is available in English as in French but the original has been written in Swedish.
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