mardi 17 juin 2014

READING for the WEEKEND - Le Journal de Montreal and other ...

By Bernard Bujold ( -
I like to read some paper newspapers during the weekend and my favorite are The New York Times; The Wall Street Journal; and for his reporting on traveling and living in Europe, I sometimes read The Financial Times. I love the interviews in a restaurant with a different international personality each Saturday. Finally, to keep me connect with my local world, I always read La Presse weekend and sometimes Le Devoir. 
This morning, a neighbor who knows my former lives was asking me if I wanted the copy of the Journal de Montreal that he had brought from the store. Why this morning? Because this is today the 50th anniversary of creation of this journal (Monday, June 15, 1964) and the founder is on the cover. 
Obviously there was a time when I read Le Journal de Montreal religiously. It was my life, in another life... 
I flipped the Journal this Saturday, June 15, 2014 and I stopped on images of the party held this week in Old Montreal. It was a kind of shock but also sadness. No one from my time were present in the pictures. None of the pillars of the Journal were there! The Jean-Philippe Decarie and Yvon Laprade (financial journalists); Jean-Paul Sylvain (pioneer arts at the entertainment section), Raynald Leblanc (Photographer), Martin Pelletier (promotion), etc ... PKP was not even at the party, the one who has transformed the institution! 
Obviously there was a strike and the new Journal of Montreal installed in new premises in Old Montreal is obviously "new" with a "New" team... 
But what about the pioneers? Pierre Peladeau loved pioneers of his newspaper and he had as a paternalistic relationship with its employees at the Journal de Montreal. 
In paradise, he might have found the party a bit dull and as he did during his real life when he was bored, he left the place. Pierre Peladeau probably left the ceremony before the speech by the back door... 
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold reading the weekend New York Times ;
Photo 2: Le Journal de Montreal;
See biography Pierre Peladeau;

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