jeudi 13 mars 2025


By Bernard Bujold - 
According to many observers, today's media have become like religious organizations! Every media outlet, be it CNN, FOX, RADIO-CANADA, or others, caters to a certain audience and tells them what they want to hear. We've come a long way from the days when the media represented a form of third power respected for its objectivity. To this change, we must add that social media and its technology have transformed every citizen of the world into a potential journalist. 
Personally, I can relate to these new modern media because I grew up in a presbytery, close to religion, at a time when news was exchanged on the church steps with the good parish priest as host, the same one who wanted me to become his replacement one day. He even told me I had the talent to go to the Vatican! A sort of “fake news” as there were many in my childhood... 

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