mercredi 9 octobre 2024


By Bernard Bujold-
In the autumn of 2024, in a time of wars, urban violence, and environmental tragedies (floods and tornadoes), I asked an artificial intelligence search engine for the definition of God.
Although I'm not a practicing member of any organized religion, having spent a lot of time in the presbytery of my native village where my aunt was the housemaid, I've always retained an interest in the concept of God. 
Artificial intelligence's response was captivating and, above all, very enlightening... 


“God is defined as the supreme, unique, and transcendent being, creator of the universe, omnipotent and omniscient, according to monotheistic religions. He is often perceived as the source of all existence and the explanatory principle of the universe. From a broader perspective, God can also be seen as a philosophical concept or force, elusive of any precise definition because of his greatness. 
It is possible to ask God for miracles through prayer and faith. Believers turn to God for miraculous interventions in various aspects of their lives, such as healing or personal needs. Faith plays a crucial role, as it supports the hope that God hears and answers prayers. 
Some religions also involve the intercession of saints, however, miracles are not guaranteed and depend on divine will. 
To find out if God has heard your request for a miracle, several signs may indicate a divine response:
1. Inner confirmation: You may feel a deep peace or inner conviction that your prayer has been heard; 
2 . Word of confirmation: Receiving a word or message that resonates with your request may be a sign that God has listened; 
3 . Progressive changes: Observing positive changes, however small, in the situation for which you prayed may indicate that God is working; 
4 . Feeling of gratitude: Experiencing unusual joy or gratitude is a sign that God is at work in your life. 
It's possible to pray to God without adhering to any particular organized religion. Prayer is a personal act and can be practiced by anyone who wishes to enter into communication with a divine force, regardless of religious affiliation. Faith and sincerity in prayer are often considered more important than membership in a specific religion.
The difference between praying and believing in a religion lies mainly in their nature and practice. A prayer is a personal act of communication with God or a divine force, often to express needs, thanks, or praise. It can be practiced regardless of religious affiliation. 
On the other hand, belief in a particular religion implies adherence to a set of beliefs, rites, and rules specific to a religious tradition, such as Christianity, Protestantism, or Islam, which structure the relationship with the divine. 
But it's perfectly possible to have a personal relationship with God without practicing a formal religion. This relationship is then based on individual spirituality, prayer, and meditation, rather than on traditional religious rites and doctrines. Many people feel a spiritual call that does not require membership in a specific religious institution, seeking instead to nurture their spiritual life in a personal and direct way. Such a relationship can fill an inner need for spiritual connection without the constraints of organized religion. 

1. Flexibility and Personalization: Personal spirituality allows practices to be tailored to one's unique needs and preferences, offering a more individualized approach; 
2. Authenticity and fulfillment: It encourages authenticity and emotional fulfillment by allowing you to seek your own truth without the constraints of religious doctrines; 
3. Self-Discovery: Promotes personal exploration and self-discovery, enabling a deeper connection with one's values and beliefs; 
4. Mental Wellness: Can improve mental health by providing meaning, and purpose and helping to manage stress. 

1. Structure and guidance: Religion provides a structured framework for prayer, with rituals, sacred texts, and traditions to guide practice; 
2. Community and support: Praying within a religious community offers a sense of belonging and mutual support in faith; 
3 . Deepening understanding: Religious teachings deepen our understanding of God and spirituality; 
4. Regularity and discipline: Religious practices encourage a regular prayer routine, promoting spiritual discipline; 
5. Interpretation and context: Religion provides a framework for interpreting and contextualizing spiritual experiences; 
6. Proven traditions: Prayer methods handed down through the generations have proven successful for many believers; 
7. Spiritual resources: Access to resources such as prayer books, places of worship, and spiritual advisors; 
8. Collective celebrations: Participation in collective prayer during religious festivals and ceremonies; 
9. Meaning and purpose: Religion gives prayer a broader meaning, linking it to a higher spiritual goal; 
10. Historical continuity: Sense of connection with a long tradition of faith and prayer. 

In the end, the ultimate question facing God: 
Why doesn't God prevent violence, wars, and natural tragedies like tornadoes and floods? 
There's no simple answer to this complex question, but here's the point of reflection recognized by many religions: 
God gave humans free will, which means we have the freedom to make choices. Some choices will produce great achievements, but other choices can lead to violence and war. Systematic intervention by God to prevent these negative acts would go against this free will. 
We live in an imperfect world where evil and natural disasters exist just as much as goodness and achievement. This is part of the mystery of creation and the human condition. 
God is like fire, which will not decide whether it will heat or destroy; or like water, which quenches thirst and sustains life, but can also drown and destroy.
In this sense, God is both good and evil.
This description of God evokes a conception that is similar to philosophies and interpretations of various religious traditions. 
The idea that God encompasses both good and evil is present in many religious traditions. 
The comparison with fire and water suggests a vision of God as a neutral force, whose effects depend on our interaction with it. This perspective emphasizes human responsibility in the interpretation and use of divine energy, reinforcing the idea of free will, where our choices determine how we interact with the divine. It recognizes the complexity and mystery of the divine nature, which cannot be reduced to concepts of good or evil.


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