mardi 12 juillet 2022


By Bernard Bujold -
The fashion of the hour in this summer 2022 in the media is to pay tribute to Montreal! 
I know this city well, having landed on the Island more than 30 years ago... 
I like to compare Montreal, in my mind, to a promised land when, as a teenager in Gaspésie, I dreamed of conquering it, professionally speaking. You could say that I applied the concept of Shakespeare in his play Julius Caesar: "... There is a wave on the ocean of life, which if caught at the right time on shore will carry the ship to new lands full of hope and promise...". 
The challenge with Caesar's concept is that after setting sail for new lands, it is often no longer possible to return to one's home port... 
I am often nostalgic for my Gaspésie of yesteryear but one must live and accept one's travels and new lands... 

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