By Bernard Bujold-
My next-door neighbor, who is an intellectual in his spare time, asked me why I was more or less concerned about the November 6 US elections since I am a fan of Donald Tump.
For me, the mid-term elections are like everyday anecdotes. When I listen to Mozart's music, I'm not necessarily interested in the mechanics of the orchestra playing music, but hearing it is enough to warm my soul.
This is so with Donald Trump. For me, to know that Donald Trump exists in time is enough to comfort my soul, much like listening to Mozart's music. But I do not live my life according to each of the gestures surrounding Donald.
My neighbor was "down to the ground" by my explanation...
This same neighbor had already asked before who I identified with in the Donald's entourage. I told him that if there was a character that looks like me, in a way, it would be Steve Bannon but I'm happy to be me, and I'm proud of being myself, I said to my neighbor !
The neighbor starts to look at me as a kind of intellectual...
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