MELANIA TRUMP AND THE RED CHRISTMAS TREES OF 2018 by Bernard Bujold The red Christmas trees of Melania Trump are all the rage on social media, several laudatory comments and very favorable, others in a slightly mocking tone. But this red fashion is also found all over the world this season and especially in downtown Montreal.
Either Melania has copied decorators hired by Peter Simons stores, or Peter copied Melania's decorators...
Indeed, both have the same red trees! We will have to do an inquiry! SEE PHOTOS
DOUG FORD IN 2018... By Bernard Bujold Many Quebeckers criticize Caroline Mulroney for not standing up to Doug Ford on the French language. But even if she did, it would have been a sword blow in the water... Caroline Mulroney had a chance to be a great politician in Canadian history, but fate had it differently. It was during the Ontario Cheffery campaign that she lost. His political career is in the past, but not because of French. Caroline is rich financially and socially (with her family and that of her husband) and she will quickly move on in her life in a few years, if not months. I was supporting Caroline in the leadership run and I was surprised by Ford's victory, but in my opinion, the latter has the wind in the sails, in Ontario, an English-speaking province... Here in Quebec, one will have to watch François Legault who could be the clone of Ford, but in French. It will however be necessary to see, because Legault is more shy, by nature, than Ford, Trump and company... But if Legault has the courage of his ideas, he could be the "René Lévesque" of 2018! To be continued...
SUNDAY NIGHT OF NOVEMBER 2018- By Bernard Bujold-
Every year, the romance of Sherbrooke Street increases with the first snows of the season.
To take advantage of the occasion, nothing better than a health walk on a Sunday evening... SEE PHOTOS (Golden Square Mile)
SNOW OF NOVEMBER 2018 By Bernard Bujold Even though the autumn season is still with us for another month, the snow has already arrived...
Good weekend and welcome to "Mister Snowman"...
(November 16, 2018) VIEW THE PHOTO
NUNS' ISLAND IN 2018 By Bernard Bujold There was a time when Nuns' Island was a haven of peace and nature. It used to be, in 1991 as far as I am concerned, because in 2018, in the space of a few months, two stabbings between teenagers... SEE ARCHIVE 2016 SEE REPORT 2018
FRENCH BOOK FAIR OF MONTREAL 2018 - By Bernard Bujold - The 41st Montreal Book Fair is being held at Place Bonaventure from November 14 to 19, 2018.
More than 2,000 authors are present at Salon 2018.
There are fewer international stars than last year as big names such as Kathy Reichs are absent and, for this reason, we can say that the 2018 show has a more Quebec flavour. SEE PHOTOS
VITO RIZZUTO - A NEW BIOGRAPHY By Bernard Bujold - I just finished reading the new biography of Vito Rizzuto: VITO RIZZUTO - LA CHUTE DU DERNIER PARRAIN written by Daniel Renaud of La Presse. The book lifts a veil on the last years of Rizzuto's reign and how the empire collapsed. The interest of this book is the collaboration of a police officer as co-author, policeman who has long been the one who inquired on the actions of the Montreal godfather. The book teaches various police surveillance techniques... and even more! If there is one conclusion: "Never trust the pretty stranger, a blue-eyed blonde girl who sits in the next-class first-class seat on a long-haul flight. This pretty girl might be an undercover policewoman whose mission is to know your secrets! SEE BOOK SITE
FINANCIAL WEALTH EXISTS IN MONTREAL IN 2018... By Bernard Bujold I almost forgot that financial wealth exists in Montreal! Indeed, there was a time in the years 1990-2000 when money seemed to be everywhere.
Personally: I was traveling in a helicopter; wore neckties at $200; participated in a multitude of mundane parties, all more expensive than the other, and business projects seemed to have no limit but the imagination!
Since 2010, personally like many others, I took a turn say more voluntary simplicity... But the world has continued to turn and even though several companies must tighten their belts or disappear (Bombardier, La Presse, Laurentian Bank, etc.) money continues to be excessively present in society. I had the proof during the weekend while I had fun shopping for a coat for the next winter season. I wanted to go back to my old dress style and buy a long dark blue wool coat (Donald Trump style). I started my search at The Bay and found one for about $750.
I continued my walk at Simons and a comparable coat in style was offered at $ 350. I thought my shopping was going to be profitable...
So I decided to keep walking and to go at Ogilvy which is under renovation and announcing sales...
This is where I got back in time!
I found the perfect coat (there were several ...) but when I asked for the price, I was shocked.
The dark blue wool long coat sold for $5,350! I told the salesman that this coat was more suitable for a Donald Trump to which he answered at once: "But it suits you too..." probably thinking me a rich retiree... I thanked the seller and continued my walk to finally find the bargain, a beautiful long dark blue coat a few streets away, at H &M...
But the conclusion is that financial wealth still exists in Montreal in November 2018, if we must believe the offer of the coat merchants! SEE PHOTOS
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