By Bernard Bujold-
While the popularity of Donald Trump is growing day by day in this spring of 2018 and that his recent economic and political achievements at the world level have earned him the appreciation of many observers who have been opposed to him since his victory, many people ask me why I am a fan of the American President since the first days after the announcement of his candidacy in June 2015!
The answer is simple and nothing opportunistic!
It is since my childhood that all the men who inspire me have always been rebellious souls; say what they think without any filter; do not recoil before any adversary or battle if they judge them to be just and well founded; always remain faithful to their families and children regardless of the events of life; and all are creative artists deep within themselves in their respective fields.
The first character to have inspired me is my father, Leonard, but later all my mentors from Brian Mulroney to Pierre Péladeau had all the traits I just mentioned. The American President, Donald J. Trump have them all !
I discovered the existence of the American businessman and his father Fred Trump around 1980 at a time when I was close to the United States as a country and culture, having married an American woman from Hartford, Connecticut. Although I divorced from the American in 1991, I still preserved, and still today, my admiration for Donald Trump. I have a profound respect for Donald Trump, and I am very grateful for the inspiration he has given me and still gives me in my personal life.
In conclusion, from my perspective as an observer, I predict that Donald Trump will be considered in history books as one of the greatest Presidents of the United States. Of course, I am also convinced that Donald will be easily reelected in 2020!
To be continued...
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