Bernard Bujold is a great admirer of photographer Yousuf Karsh and he had the pleasure of meeting him a few times when they both lived in Ottawa.
Bernard was quick to accept the invitation of the McCord Museum in Montreal to attend a recent press conference to announce the exhibition: Karsh & Steichen.
"Let's say that the press conference was not very long ... but the exhibition deserves to be seen. Besides, the McCord Museum deserves to be better known. It was a discovery for me and I loved all exhibitions currently in place. The one about Karsh continues until April 25,2011.
Photo 1: (Winston Churchill (1874-1965), 30 décembre 1941, par Yousuf Karsh tiré avant septembre 1988 - Épreuve à la gélatine argentique, 50,2 x 40,7 cm Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa - Don de l'artiste, Ottawa, 1989 © Succession Yousuf Karsh)
Photo 2: Bernard Bujold.
See website McCord Museum: