JUSTIN TRUDEAU AGAINST JODY WILSON RAYBOULD - By Bernard Bujold - According to the testimony of Jody Wilson Raybould (Wednesday February 27, 2019), Justin Trudeau has made inappropriate political pressure about Lavalin to his Minister of Justice and Attorney general. It will be necessary to see the consequences, both legally and later politically during elections.
All observers agree that the society of law can not be influenced by political society!
Otherwise, it becomes a "political" dictatorship.
The economic argument of jobs advanced by Justin Trudeau is valid but it must not go through the legal. Justin should have voted a special law in the House to specifically help Lavalin but not try to change his mind to his Attorney general. Conclusion: Justin Trudeau has committed a very serious fault for a Prime Minister of a democratic country like Canada and the general election is October 21st 2019. Question: For which party will Jody Wilson Raybould run? To be continued... SEE PHOTOS
THE WORLD OF POLITICS - By Bernard Bujold - Politics lovers will be lucky over the next three years!
Indeed, during the autumns of 2019, 2020 and 2021, we will be entitled to three high-caliber election campaigns. First on October 21st this year, in Canada, Justin Trudeau will put on challenge his title of Prime Minister. Next year on November 3rd, 2020, it will be President Donald Trump's turn to face his opponents and probably to win another four-year term as President of the United States. Finally, on November 7th, 2021, the Mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, would normally face the old Mayor Denis Coderre, who’s many observers are awaiting a return to the municipal political arena. Politics lovers can start their own projections now! Personally, I predict a defeat of Justin Trudeau in 2019; a Donald Trump victory in 2020; and a return to the town hall of Denis Coderre in 2021. To be continued. SEE PHOTOS
PENELOPE MCQUADE AT THE RADIO- Par Bernard Bujold - Pénélope McQuade obtained the morning show (9 am - 11.30 am) on Radio-Canada's French-language radio station.
Congratulations and good luck! SEE STORY
A FRIEND OF DONALD TRUMP AT THE MUSEUM... By Bernard Bujold - I have never been a fan of red carpets and I was not invited to the "private" dinner with Kim Kardashian on Monday night, February 25 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, but I am very happy with her visit! Indeed, with a friend of Donald who now has direct access to the Museum's management, my red MAGA c
ap project has a much better chance of being realized... To be continued! SEE STORY
WINTER IS PREPARING TO LEAVE! - By Bernard Bujold - We know that the winter will leave soon when the ice on the river begins their descent.
Of course there was very little ice this season 2019 but already on February 26, the little that was already left while we are still a few weeks from the official date of spring 2019, March 20. Goodbye winter and welcome spring... SEE PHOTOS
THE ART OF SKATING - WINTER 2019 - By Bernard Bujold - I like skating on the ice but I hate cold temperatures, rain and wind... My favorite place in Montreal is 1000 de la Gauchetière! The building inspires me since its construction and it reminds me of big cities like New York. The ice rink is unique! Even my faithful Ulysses loves the place... SEE PHOTOS
MAFIA HITMAN ARRESTED WHILE WALKING HIS DOG ... By Bernard Bujold - The Montreal police arrested one of the most wanted hitmen in Quebec, Frederick Silva, in a residential neighborhood on Duke Street in Montreal near the park to walk the dogs... Residents of the neighborhood, who knew the individual for having often met in the street, said they were very surprised because the guy was super nice to people! The arrest was made a few minutes after midnight in the night from Friday to Saturday (February 23) while Silva was just going quietly to walk his little dog... The man of 38 years, stocky, his face covered with a light beard redhead, remained calm during his arrest and offered no resistance to the police! SEE THE REPORT
THE MODERN WORLD IN 2019... By Bernard Bujold - According to a columnist of the Journal de Montréal, the world has become a mere shopping center... When I was a teenager, the motivation of the time was for many of us to change the world! We had dreams and ambitions. One wonders what are the motivations and dreams of people in 2019? I do not have the answer... Have a nice week end! SEE STORY
I am a fan of Radio Canada's TV series "Les pays d'en haut", the modern version. As Josée Blanchette wrote in her Le Devoir column on Friday, February 22, 2019, the series also reminds me of the reality of my childhood told in my case, not by my grandfather, but by my father who was a lumberjacks. The sets of the TV series are also not far from the scenery of my childhood in my native Gaspésie (Baie des Chaleurs), late 50s and early 60. A time when in the rural campaign, the lack of resources incited invention and where three peoples rubbed shoulders: the French-born French Quebecers, the English and the Indians (in Gaspésie it was Maria's reserve). We were very far, in the countryside, from the multiculturalism that we know today throughout Quebec, including Gaspésie. Was it the beautiful era? Hard to say, but it was "the time" and it was my childhood, which was for me one of the most beautiful moments of my life, because I thought I could change the world with all the romanticism of childhood . It's also a bit like the same romanticism displayed by the characters in the TV series. But the romanticism becomes, as we get older, old history and beautiful for television series... SEE COLUMN JOSÉE BLANCHETTE SEE WEBSITE LES PAYS D'EN HAUT
SPRING FLOWERS 2019 Spring will be in town in less than a month on next March 20! Already the first flowers of the season come to greet us... SEE PHOTOS
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