HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2018 - By Bernard Bujold- Halloween is a folk festival celebrated on the evening of October 31, the eve of the The Christian holiday of All Saints.
Halloween was introduced in the United States and Canada after the massive influx of Irish and Scottish emigrants following the Great Famine in Ireland (1845-1851), and has been gaining popularity since the 1920s. Tradition has it that kids dress up in scary costumes like ghosts, witches, monsters or vampires and go door-to-door asking for treats: "Trick or treat!".
The evening can also be marked by bonfires, fireworks, games, reading horror tales or viewing horror films. Personally, I invited some of my friend politicians to the cottage and together we will tell each other beautiful stories... Bouuuuuuuuuuu! SEE PHOTO ALBUM
A VISIT TO THE SAQ By Bernard Bujold More and more customers of the SAQ accept the proposal by the cashier to leave without the paper receipt ... It's a very bad idea! Personally I always ask the paper receipt and last Saturday it saved me from a disaster! Indeed, when I left a SAQ branch on St. Catherine Street in Montreal (next to the Canabis store ...) I was stopped by a guy who claimed to be a plainclothes policeman and he said that I had put a bottle of wine in my Ogilvy shopping bag...
He wanted me to follow him. I did not believe in his story as a policeman and I thought more of an attack by a fraudster who wanted to rob me on the street! Never accepting the invitation from an unknown person, I refused to follow him and I asked to explain his accusation. He asked to see the bill of my purchases of wine in the bag that I carried. Fortunately for me, I had the paper receipt in the same bag.... The so-called policeman (or street thief) went off from his hunt without a catch and I went free with my bottles of wine! Imagine if I did not ask for the paper bill? www.lestudio1.com
THE CONVICTIONS OF JEAN CHRÉTIEN By Bernard Bujold - The former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chrétien, completely seduced the guests and the host of the show Tout le monde en parle (Sunday, October 21, 2018). Chretien was in an extraordinary and flamboyant form as in the good old days.
He was coming to tell a few anecdotes about his new book, MY STORIES. I met the character a few times when we were both in politics, me with Brian Mulroney (1984), and he was always good company. Obviously, we do not have the same political convictions. His book is very interesting for the anecdotes. For my comfort, I skipped the passages where he speaks against Donald Trump... I always liked Chrétien's humor, which makes me think as the French side of Donald Trump in English. Both have this comboy allure, which makes them friendly. But the discovery of the book is that Jean Chrétien claims to have been inspired during his entire political career and for his particular oratorical style by 3 politicians all from Shawinigan: 1. Maurice Duplessis who he met when he was a teenager and he attended the same college attended by Duplessis; 2: Camille Samson who had been a school colleague with his wife Aline also from Shawinigan and who worked later with Chrétien during the referendum; 3. Rėal Caouette also from Mauricie. Jean Chrétien's book is easy to read because each chapter is short and tells an anecdote about a subject or a character. A fact to note: Christian does not pronounce once the name of Paul Martin in his book... And when we do not pronounce the name of someone it's because we hate him... Jean must not really hate Donald Trump because he names him several times... I would rather say that Chretien criticizes Donald because it makes a good media line for his book. Some will say that Jean Chrétien does not listen to opinions contrary to his! In fact Christian has deep convictions and they believe in it!
Happiness in life is to have beliefs and to believe in them, whether sporting, political or religious. Unhappy is the man or the woman without deep conviction. A life without conviction is a failed life... I invite you to read the book. It's really well written and entertaining, especially for us who knew him. The conclusion: Jean Chrétien is an intellectual who adopted a popular style because it worked. The same thing with Donald, Duplessis, Samson or Caouette! SEE PHOTOS
OCTOBER 2018 AT THE COTTAGE By Bernard Bujold- The autumn sun gives nature unique colors.
The weather is cold but with some warm clothes to protect us,
the energy becomes magnificent. Good autumn to all! SEE PHOTOS
CHRISTMAS 2018 BEGINS IN OCTOBER By Bernard Bujold- We are only in mid-October but already the merchants have shelves their products for Christmas... All that's missing is Santa and his elves! SEE PHOTOS
DONALD TRUMP ON 60 MINUTES-CBS By Bernard Bujold- « United States President Donald Trump is more
-presidential- than before and since 2016 he changed in his character. » said Lesley Stahl after her interview with Trump on 60 minutes-CBS. One thing that did not change is the energy of Donald Trump who like a good verbal fight and enjoy keeping his ground with journalists. SEE THE FULL INTERVIEW
MELANIA TRUMP and THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY By Bernard Bujold- One must admit that Melania Trump make good photos, as a model. She have what photographers call: a talent to reflect the light! Donald is a lucky man... SEE PHOTOS
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