By Bernard Bujold- The new scandal of the now moment concerning Edgard Fruitier raises a questioning for society! Should the old standards of moral judgment change with the evolution of society?
My deceased friend, Daniel Pilon, often told me about the time when he was a young guide at the 1967 MONTREAL exhibition. It seems that all this beautiful world (the guides) sexually fraternized in a so-called "libertine" way. The actions of then would be highly criminal in 2018!
I knew three of the characters from the crowd of many accused of sex scandals: Edgard Fruitier, Charles Dutoit and Gilbert Rozon.
To my knowledge, the sexual tendencies of these characters were known to all but at the time when society accepted these trends. Each of my three acquaintances had adapted to the new society of today and their former personalities were part of their past.
To want to live the past in the present, modern society risks becoming a world of ghosts ...
The text of Lise Ravary sums up the situation!
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