By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1) -
The memoirs of Thomas Mulcair arrived in bookstores across Canada and this a few days after the call for the election of next 19 October. The timing is perfect for a book written in the style "election pamphlet."
The book of 192 pages: STRENGHT OF CONVICTION (including the index of names cited in the book ...) is the work of the editor Michelle Tyssère (the daughter) and it is the publishing house with the name of her mother which publishes it. The Tyssère family is very close with the Mulcair and one could imagine that the family will vote in block for Mulcair, especially Charles who made a spectacular public outing against Stephen Harper and CBC management ...
Those who seek to better understand the policies of Mulcair will not find anything special or new in the book, but those who want to better understand who is Thomas Mulcair will appreciate the book. Personally, I especially loved and was really touched by reading the second chapter on the history of his relationship with Catherine Pinhas, his wife. This is according to me, the best chapter. Catherine is of French Jewish and grew up with his parents in the prestigious Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine (the city where Nicholas Sarkozy was mayor ...)
The book will appeal to NDP policies organizers will certainly serve as a promotional tool toward the NDP leader.
Picture 1: Thomas Mulcair;
Picture 2: Cover of the book;
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