Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) -
One solution to save the CBC from closure: make an election issue in the next federal election on October 2015!
It is clear that if Stephen Harper is re-elected that the transformation of Radio-Canada will continue according to the game plan of the current prime minister. To break this plan would require another politician, as Justin Trudeau (I'm pro-Justin ...) or Thomas Mulcair, to be elected Prime Minister and that the latter is firmly committed during the campaign to restore more money and a new direction to the state society.
CBC would benefit greatly from a new president with ideas like a Jean-François Lépine rather than the current president as Hubert Lacroix. But no such action could be applied nor possible if there is not an election issue around the CBC. No election issue; no survival...
To be continued!
Photo 1 and 3: Radio-Canada;
Photo 2: Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, Hubert Lacroix and Jean-François Lépine;
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