Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) -
I just finished reading the autobiography of Jean-François Lépine: ON THE LINE OF FIRE.
A book that tells the story of Radio-Canada since 1971 using the path as a journalist of Jean-Francois Lepine who was one of the pillars of Radio-Canada for forty-two years.
One could compare Jean-François to Anderson Cooper of CNN as their story has so much in common. First, the two lived at the beginning of their career, the suicide of their brother from who they were very close and the two have become after symbols of international journalism. One might assume that the suicide of brothers influenced the careers of two journalists.
But the story of Jean François takes a good view at Quebec and the transformation of Radio-Canada in the last decade. One has to clearly understand that the company is now "dying" and that we can question its existence in the medium term. Lépine wants a shift that would save the CBC and that would bring it in its leading role of journalism in Canada but there are questions about the objectivity of Lépine when he obviously loved and still loves deeply his old employer. The book of Jean-François is an interesting chronicle of his career but also his end career. The chapter on the rejection of his candidature by the president Hubert Lacroix to replace Sylvain Lafrance is particularly illuminating on the management style of CBC and this chapter opens questions about the real plans for the future of the CBC.
Personally I knew Jean-François in 1977-78 at the National Assembly of Quebec while we were both parliamentary correspondents and his story reflects well the years I knew him.
It was the old good time ...
PHOTO 1; Jean-François Lépine;
PHOTO 2; Cover of the book;
PHOTO 3, 4 AND 5: CBC Montreal;