By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1.com) -
The new novel by Denis Monette, “LES DÉLAISSÉES”, is worthy of the great American novels and Europe. This book deserves to become a TV series or a movie! Great scenario and extraordinary texts.
In summary, this is a story mid-polar and mid-romance where the main character will seduce four randomly selected women in Montreal, Moncton, Halifax and Toronto to make them suffer mentally to avenge injustices suffered in his personal life. The characters are well researched as the cities where the action takes place. We must congratulate the author Denis Monette and we might add that this is one of his best novels. Monette says that his characters are pure fiction, but it is hard to believe his confession so the story is realistic.
If there is a conclusion to the story of the novel is that there are people in society who will sometimes show great wickedness, and they will choose their victims at random. We must also conclude that it is better not to be too naive to face life events and if a proposal seems to be an impossible dream and worthy of a novel, this is probably the case. In real life, the prince does not exist, love is blinding and nastiness made by people leading a double life does exist! Congratulations to Denis Monette!
Photo 1: Cover of the book and the author Denis Monette;
SEE official website of the book ;
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