LeStudio1.com has received several responses to his recent editorial commenting on the financial frauds and on the investigative journalism. Content of the comments demonstrate beyond any doubt that there is an interrelationship between the two subjects of unhappiness and lies!
Most human misery would be connected to lie because the discovery of truth should help to eliminate the existence of evil. A fraudster who is discovered cannot cheat anymore, nor the murderer cannot kill once unmasked.
But it often difficult to find the source of crime before the act. That is why the work of investigative journalists and policemans becomes useful because their efforts help to discover the sources of misery by revealing the truth.
According to several correspondents with LeStudio1.com, lying is generally the work of someone close to us, a work colleague, neighbor, relative or spouse who sometimes wants to divorce. Recent discoveries surrounding Bernard Madoff and Earl Jones are believed to be isolated cases but to read your comments, such person is present in the daily life of every person to a greater or lesser extent. Often, and this is the beginning of misery, falsehood engenders evil, betrayal and violence.
But it often difficult to find the source of crime before the act. That is why the work of investigative journalists and policemans becomes useful because their efforts help to discover the sources of misery by revealing the truth.
According to several correspondents with LeStudio1.com, lying is generally the work of someone close to us, a work colleague, neighbor, relative or spouse who sometimes wants to divorce. Recent discoveries surrounding Bernard Madoff and Earl Jones are believed to be isolated cases but to read your comments, such person is present in the daily life of every person to a greater or lesser extent. Often, and this is the beginning of misery, falsehood engenders evil, betrayal and violence.
But there is a paradox in your thoughts because if ignorance of the truth is the source of human misery, total knowledge of the truth would cause greater troubles again! This is one of the comments from several of you: "Every truth is not good to say and it is best to keep some things for yourself ..." Thus, according to some, if we knew all the real feelings of those around us, society would be impossible because it would be too many conflicts and even more disagreements and wars.
Basically we are all individualistic and the only person who you truly is us ... The problem (accident, illness, financial losses) of other even comforts us a bit because we believe that fate is more generous to us than to the victims. Fully discovering the selfishness of others, each would become even more suspicious of him and this would be the danger of revealing the truth. ...
Finally, another comment that comes from readers is about forgiveness. When we have discovered the errors of our surroundings, it is better to forgive than to revenge.
I think it is possible and even desirable to forget a misfortune and the person who is responsible, but human forgiveness is very difficult because it is equivalent to love those who hurt us.
Thank you for your comments and I will confide that for my part, I always try to forget the past, live the present moment and continue to lead myself strongly in the future. But my search for truth never cease!
A star of Quebec television, Josélito Michaud, host on Radio-Canada of a program about life, death and departures. He always ask the same final question to his guests: What do you see written on your tombstone?
On mine I would like to be read the following sentence: "He sought the truth and he led the fight to the end ..."
Bernard Bujold
Picture 1: Policemans and Earl Jones
Picture 2: Bernard Bujold - Editor of LeStudio1.com
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