ANNIVERSARY OF JUNE 28, 2018 By Bernard Bujold - I try to live as much as possible in the "Now Moment".
However, I recognize that with the passage of time, the youth is also going away...
And in my perception of life, the only real wealth of life is youth! Fortunately, my life philosophy is:
"Life is a game with toys! Nothing more, nothing less... "
I therefore remain eternally young, at least in spirit. Long live my birthday of June 28, 2018! See photo album
DANIEL PILON (1940-2018) By Bernard Bujold - I first met Daniel Pilon in the early 1990s when we had collaborated on a project involving Pierre Péladeau. It was the actress Danielle Ouimet who had introduced him to me. Daniel Pilon and I immediately became friends and we saw each other, alone or with his family, at various times thereafter. Daniel was deeply a generous and humane man. In the 2000s, we worked together on a business project while we were part of a group of twenty investors including Yvon Deschamps and whose project was to become the leader in the development of voice recognition. A sort of forerunner of Google Home. Unfortunately our project called "INFOTEL" never came into existence beyond the business plan... At the cinema level, Daniel often told me about his years in the United States! This time had been for him his career highlight and he was very proud but also a little sad that this time is over. I met Daniel Pilon for the last time on June 10, 2017 at the Provigo of Nun's Island where he lived.
I had learned from someone (the creator of the INFOTEL project) that he had terminal cancer. Daniel did not mention it during our brief meeting and I respected his secret... However, I tried to convince him to become a member of Facebook but he did not want to hear anything... This was our last meeting! I am very sad about his death because he was a real good guy. But as he said himself, you have to live in the present! I was told that in his last months of life, Daniel had become lonely. In a sense I understand his loneliness of end of life. I, too, if I was living a final cancer, I would prefer to die alone, like horses... However, it is a question of personality because I have another friend who was announced brain cancer in January 2017 and his great fear was to die alone... He died surrounded by many friends and his family. Daniel Pilon has had a good life, despite the highs and lows, and as he said regularly, you always have to appreciate the good moments! Goodbye dear friend! SEE STORY
FÊTE NATIONALE OF QUEBEC - JUNE 24, 2018 By Bernard Bujold - A beautiful place to celebrate the 2018 National Day of Quebec is at the cottage! And what better way to enjoy the day than a walk near the pond? Happy FÊTE NATIONALE to all! SEE PHOTOS
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP ON FIRE By Bernard Bujold - The American President Donald Trump held another rally in front of his Republican partisans (June 20th, 2018 Minnesota) and one thing is for sure! Donald Trump know how to fire a rally!
If some people feel that he is too much to the right and too much tough, many other feel that he is a great President. But no one can say that the Donald Trump of now is not the same Donald Trump as in the 2016 Presidential campaign. One could conclude that they got the product as ordered... To be continued! SEE PICTURES
A NEW HOSPITAL... By Bernard Bujold - There are three places I hate to visit: 1. The garage; 2. The funeral home; 3. The hospital! But it must be admitted that the new CHUM in downtown Montreal deserves to be seen... Obviously, a hospital remains a place that is never pleasant to visit but just like the garage and the funeral parlor, we will all have go there one day!
As a bonus, there is free wifi... SEE PHOTO ALBUM
FATHERS DAY 2018 By Bernard Bujold - Happy Father's Day to everyone on this Sunday, June 17, 2018! Long live the "relaxing" on the terraces and drive in the city... SEE PHOTOS
WEEKEND AT THE COTTAGE By Bernard Bujold Have a good "last weekend" of spring 2018 at the cottage! Summer arrives on Thursday June 21st at 5. 07 am... SEE PHOTO ALBUM
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