THE MIRACLES OF THE HOLY BROTHER ANDRE By Bernard Bujold - Holy Brother André does not like winter and he recently promised, in mid-February, to bring in the sun and keep away the snow and ice!
He kept his word, even if his miracle only lasts a few days...
But Holy Brother André promises it, the spring of 2018 will soon be here for good! SEE PHOTO ALBUM
DOES GOD EXIST? By Bernard Bujold - When I was a child, my aunt, who was the priest's servant, suggested that I become a priest!
I refused the offer because I did not really have faith.
However, I always loved the atmosphere of the churches for their calm and the beauty of their works of art.
I was recently invited to visit the Chapel of the Grand Seminary of Montreal, the college where the future priests are trained. A nice place, to question yourself:
"Does God exist?" I do not have the answer... SEE PHOTO ALBUM
The WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2018 - By Bernard Bujold - The finalists for WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2018 have been announced to the public and the big winners will be announced on April 13 in Amsterdam. An exhibition of the winning photos will then tour the world on tour including Montreal. If there is a note with respect to the 2018 edition, it is the fact that all the photos selected by the jury represent violence and tragedies ...
It's as if journalists-photographers only see the bad side of the world! SEE OFFICIAL WEBSITE
THE LEGACY OF JOHNNY ... By Bernard Bujold - The case of Johnny Hallyday's legacy makes me think of a vernissage at the museum ... Indeed, what is most disturbing in death, rich and poor, is always the inheritance. It's like humans are becoming birds of prey ... In humans, we would fight the inheritance to get a simple pair of old stockings (socks)! Perhaps it is the gratuity of the inheritance of the dead? Free is very powerful. I was able to see it one day during a vernissage at the Museum of Fine Arts. When the waiters arrived with trays of free food, the guests, intellectuals, were running for it like hungry, just like crows. One can imagine if the guests had been ignorant ... It's a bit of the same situation with the inheritance of the dead. We become crows!
JOHNNY HALLYDAY By Bernard Bujold - Whoever once said that a man like him should never die continues to live, at least for his children and his heritage! Indeed, according to Johnny HALLYDAY's testament, everything goes to Laeticia ... The first two children received nothing, not even an old record sleeve. The will would not be possible to apply in France but it was officially read in California where Hallyday usually resided most of the year. Note, however, that the document was signed in 2014 in France. In France one "can not" disinherit his immediate family but in the United States yes, except that it is possible for the family to contest the will in court. Another scandal for the media, especially in France where Johnny was admired just like an Elvis Presley in the United States or a Celine Dion in Quebec! To be continued... SEE STORY THE POINT SEE STORY LA PRESSE SEE STORY LE JOURNAL OF MONTREAL
GÉRARD DEPARDIEU AND DONALD TRUMP By Bernard Bujold - I read during the last weekend the most recent book by Gerard Depardieu. A kind of autobiography, a fifth, because he wrote four others before ... If there is one conclusion to the book, it is that Gerard looks very close in terms of his personality to Donald Trump. In both cases, they are free spirits who give very little importance to the "politically correct". Gerard writes in a very French style but also short without superfluous words, and his confidences are always very inspiring. A book to read! SEE BOOK SITE
LUC AND BERNARD ... By Bernard Bujold
- I have just finished reading the biography of Luc Lavoie. Captivating but I am disappointed that there is nothing about the journalists friends Michel Vastel, Michel Gratton and Mike Duffy ... Quite strangely enough, and it was a discovery, Luc and I are like two twin brothers! Indeed, we are both born in Gaspésie; both on a June 28 of the 50s; the two started as a journalist on the radio; the two became parliamentary correspondents, he in Ottawa and I in Quebec; to then become a political assistant one after the other for the same Prime Minister Brian Mulroney; the two have held the position of assistant to the president of Quebecor, me for the father and him for the son; and to finish with each a biographical book. The question is: will our next fulfillment of life be different from each other? To be continued... SEE BIOGRAPHY LUC LAVOIE SEE BIOGRAPHY PIERRE PÉLADEAU
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