PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP AND THE STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS 2018 By Bernard Bujold The State of the Union Address 2018 by Donald J. Trump was a great success.
According to a survey, over 75% approve the address.
The President presented his accomplishments since the first year in Washington as well as his next projects. See photos
THE HOLY HAND By Bernard Bujold - A relic of St-François Xavier, the right forearm, is exhibited in Montreal, notably at the Cathedral Marie Reine du Monde. Although I am not a Catholic practitioner, as I grew up as a teenager in a presbytery with my aunt who was the priest's maid, I still like today to attend religious events. Moreover, since I have an exact replica of the watch worn by Pope Francis, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make it a relic of the third degree (something that touched the body of a saint ). Thousands of Catholics, or observers like me, assisted at the evening of veneration held Sunday evening January 28 with Bishop Christian Lépine.
The relic of St. Francis Xavier is on display in
Montreal until Tuesday, January 30, 2018 including at the church Gesus. SEE PHOTOS
DONALD TRUMP AND THE MEDIA: A WAR TO THE FINISH! By Bernard Bujold - It's a war to the finish between the journalists of the left-wing media (CNN, NYT, NBC, etc.) who are still deeply humiliated following the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and their only recourse is to try to bring down the elected president. Personally, if I were this president, I would have broken a long time ago so much is the opposition but Donald has a more combative character than normal people and, at his age with his career successes, he has great self-confidence. What sometimes makes an old man weak are his losses in life ... So it's a war to end between some journalists as well as the left establishment against Donald, the revolutionary. I continue to bet on the final victory of Donald Trump because the journalists are not in solidarity with each other. The worst enemy of journalists is the other journalists who are tired of this fight. Besides, the journalists, like the American people, are divided at 50%, half for Donald and half against. There is also jealousy from several journalists towards the journalists who play the star and the aspiring politician. For his part, Donald Trump completely transformed the presidential style and imposed his own. He recently said that his main characteristic as a manager is to change and continually change his plan along the way...
He said: "I don't know what the word permanent means." The year 2018 is going to be a good year, at least for those who are fans of Donald Trump. SEE 2018 FAKE NEWS MEDIA AWARDS
A WOMAN FRIEND AT THE MUSEUM... By Bernard Bujold- Today Wednesday January 17, 2018 is Museum Selfie Day 2018 . I have always loved museums, and once when I first arrived in Montreal in 1991, I was then visiting the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) religiously every Sunday. I even had a favorite painting called "October" representing a young woman in autumn, a James Tissot canvas.
The canvas is still present in one of the first rooms of the new Pavilion for Peace. One could say that I have "a woman friend" at the museum... See photo album
DONALD TRUMP HEALTH - By Bernard Bujold The White House Doctor, Ronny Jackson, talked with journalists about Donald Trump medical exam.
Some journalists from medias like CNN were at lost and in a way sad when the doctor told them that Donald is in perfect health! One CNN journalist even asked if the President have denture...
The doctor concluded his 49 minutes press conference by saying that he see no health reason that will stop Donald Trump to be President way until the end of his mandate in 2020. SEE STORY ON MEDICAL EXAM
FASHION IN 2018... By Bernard Bujold - The history of society is made of trend that come to settle in the daily life and then, after some 5 or 10 years, give way to new trend. We can say that we are currently in the fashion of "me too" and "politically correct". During the sixties to the eighties, the world lived in the era of sexual liberation. Relationships between men and women were at best "libertines" and with few barriers. Just chat with old people who were in their twenties during Expo 67. It seems that the era was at least "warm"! Will this mode of 2018 last? Obviously no! But one can ask the question: What will be the fashion in the year 2040?
AND NOW - By Bernard Bujold - Léa Clermont Dion and Aurélie Lanctôt launched on Sunday, January 14, 2018, during the program Tout le monde en parle at Radio Canada, the movement #EtMaintenant (And Now). The project was already a success on Monday morning because the website posted 4 times out of 5 the message: "429 Too Many requests" ... The title of the project obviously comes from a love song sung in several languages and recognized worldwide since 1961: "ET MAINTENANT" by Gilbert Bécaud and written by Pierre Delanoë. This is the story of an actress, Elga Andersen, who meets Bécaud on the Paris-Nice flight. The actress goes to her fiancé but the next day, Bécaud finds Elga back at the airport while the two return by the same flight. She is very sad. Her love story ended the night before. Bécaud offers her to have breakfast at his house, in his wooden cabin of Chesnay (Yvelines).
At one point, she leaned on the piano, muttering, "And now, what am I going to do? Gilbert Bécaud will immortalize this sentence! The song will quickly become a global standard. Léa Clermont's movement is likely to succeed in Quebec, but it will have to be seen if it happen elsewhere in the world. The movement can be reached at: but better wait until tomorrow when the site will be repaired... SEE STORY
MONTREAL IN 2018 - By Bernard Bujold - I love walking around the city and visiting my favorite stores. However, I had a big surprise when I wanted to stop last Saturday (January 13th) to have a coffee in the basement at Ogilvy on Ste-Catherine Street!
Indeed, the basement is completely closed for the renovations and the redevelopment of the various shops. Fortunately, Louis Vuitton is holding the fort, or what's left of it! But my surprise was far from over... I wanted to continue to the galleries of Place Ville Marie and there, THE real surprise, all shops, except two or three like the pharmacy, are covered with white plywood!
Even Renaud Bray disappeared behind the walls... Conclusion: Montreal has become a ghost town, or invaded by extraterrestrials. SEE PHOTOS
VALÉRIE PLANTE AND THE END OF THE SMILE - By Bernard Bujold - The new mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, is still smiling, but the citizens of Montreal are less so, while the new mayor has just broken her main election promise not to raise taxes beyond inflation. The increases for the next year exceed 3.3%, and even more, depending on the boroughs! No politician is perfect and if Denis Coderre was a great "spendthrift", Valerie Plante is a great "tightfisted"... In the last municipal election, one of the many slogans, including mine, was: "ABC- Anybody but Coderre! "
We got rid of Coderre but we did not really have a choice on who would take the place because there was only one offer! Personally, I had grasped the direction of the vote but by default because, a deep admirer of Donald Trump like me would never have supported a candidate of left as Plante. But I and the other voters, we did not want Coderre. It was Anybody but Coderre. We must live with the result. We had what we asked for, the departure of Coderre, but may be it would have been better not to have our wish realized. Fortunately, for me, I can rejoice every day with the presence of Donald as US President but for Montreal, with Plante we "planted"ourselves, that's for sure! See report Budget Valérie Plante 2018
POPE FRANCIS AND DONALD TRUMP By Bernard Bujold - I have been reading the new book by Pope Francis: « Happiness in this life » and I was surprised to discover that Pope Francis view of life is very similar to the one of Donald Trump... Indeed, both suggest that to succeed in life one must think big, be risk taker in front of daily life, have passion, etc.
The only difference is that Pope Francis see Jesus spirit as the source of power to succeed in life; while Donald Trump see the source of the power to succeed inside the spirit of each individual.
But a side by side comparaison of the advices from both books give a very similar guide to succeed in life. CONCLUSION: Donald and Francis are from the same mold... SEE POPE FRANCIS - HAPPINESS IN THIS WORLD SEE DONALD TRUMP - THE ART OF THE DEAL
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