SATURDAY EVENING WITH GOOGLE HOME - By Bernard Bujold - The adventure began after a dinner with friends on a Saturday night as we quarreled about the age of Viola Léger, the one who immortalized the SAGOUINE. The new toy of the hour is GOOGLE HOME a kind of verbal robot that looks, less perfected, WINSTON of the new novel ORIGIN by Dan Brown. Finally, we can say that GOOGLE is a little magic because we were able to easily trace, thanks to the Google Home robot, the age of Viola; rediscovered the poet poet Acadian DONAT LACROIX and his song "JOS FREDRIC"; and to complete the virtual journey with the discovery of the Acadian country singer from Hâvre St-Pierre, Carolyne Jomphe.
CONCLUSION "Google Home is the robot to have among his friends, a Saturday night ..." SEE PHOTO
ELECTIONS 2017 FOR MONTREAL MAYOR - PROJECTIONS By Bernard Bujold - I love politics and I like to project in advance the results of the candidate I envision winning. I always start from my instinct using the momentum of the campaign to evaluate the winner. I had projected Donald Trump's 2016 victory at 300 votes and he had 306; I projected in 2015 a victory by Justin Trudeau with 180 seats and he had 184; and previously in 2014, I had also projected the victory of Philippe Couillard at 70 deputies and he had 70 but, I am more discreet about him, because I did not vote for him... As of October 25, 2017, I therefore project 45 elected on 65 for Valérie Plante, an absolute majority of 2/3 for the next mayor of Montreal! How much will Denis Coderre will have elected? Less than 20 if we take into account the 4 or 5 elected to be independent. Advance voting takes place on Sunday, October 29, and the official vote on Sunday, November 5. Long live the political projections! SEE PROJECTIONS DONALD TRUMP SEE PROJECTIONS JUSTIN TRUDEAU SEE PROJECTIONS PHILIPPE COUILLARD SEE SURVEY 2017
(continuation 1) By Bernard Bujold - Veteran comedian Yvon Deschamps does not see the end of the sexual storm in Quebec: "... it will never stop, that! Tomorrow, it'll be 1000, after 5000 complaints ..." The accusations of sexual crimes continue to accumulate and, indeed, we can wonder if the police and judicial systems in Quebec will be able to satisfy the situation. A complaint of any kind can sometimes take a few years to be officially decided before the courts; imagine if there are thousands of complaints from all over Quebec...
It will take a Commission of Inquiry like the Commission Gomery or Charbonneau! Regarding JUST FOR LAUGHS, many observers say that the group is a company that does not depend on Gilbert Rozon but rather on comedians. This is true but with one big exception: the legal owner of Just for Laughs is Gilbert. And Gilbert does not want to give up for free his business and he is asking about $ 70 million to abandon it! The only solution, in my opinion: forget Just to laughs and start from scratch. When the World Trade Center was attacked, it was put to the ground and rebuilt from the ground alone. To be continued... SEE YVON DESCHAMPS INTERVIEW SEE ANALYSIS SALE JUST FOR LAUGHS
THE SEX STORM OF OCTOBER 2017 - By Bernard Bujold - One could call the sexual assault that is currently raging in the various media of "THE SEX STORM OF OCTOBER 2017"... If life is a journey, it can be compared to a crossing of the ocean! I love to repeat this phrase of Shakespeare in Julius Caesar to explain my vision of life: "There is a wave on the ocean of life, which if taken at the right moment at the shore will lead the ship to new lands full of hope and promise, but if it is missed then it will be the failure and the misery ... and sinking! " But more down to earth, two chronicles of Saturday, October 21, in La Presse + summarizes the whole situation. The one of Michèle Ouimet and the one of Stéphane Laporte. Good Saturday of October 2017... VIEW MICHÈLE OUIMET SEE STÉPHANE LAPORTE
THE INDIAN SUMMER 2017 AT THE COTTAGE - BY BERNARD BUJOLD - The Indian summer 2017 in Quebec is beautiful and even more at the cottage ... The season of colors will not have really happened this year but, nature is always exceptional! Have a nice Indian summer to all ... SEE PHOTOS (October 18, 2017)
DEBATE MAYOR OF MONTREAL 2017 - By Bernard Bujold - The debate in French between Valérie Plante and Denis Coderre Thursday, October 19, 2017 as part of the race for the mayor of Montreal clearly highlighted the difference between the two candidates but without any of the two succeeding into bringing down the opponent. If Denis Coderre proposes the continuity of the administration of the last four years, Valérie Plante proposes a vision of change for an orientation towards the citizens and the families rather than the big companies. The two candidates were respectful to each other and the moderator François Cardinal proved to be an excellent moderator of debate... SEE PHOTO ALBUM
GILBERT, ERIC AND THE OTHERS... By Bernard Bujold - In the space of half a day, two giants of the Quebec entertainment industry have fallen to the ground completely! First Eric Savail Wednesday morning, then early in the evening it was the turn of Gilbert Rozon. Personally I do not know Salvail and I only met him once in my life while he was working for Julie Snyder. Since I'm not a homosexual and I was a good friend with Julie at the time, the contact did not work between Eric and me, beyond the usual greetings, at the Montreal Ritz... In the case of Gilbert Rozon, the situation is very different because I know him very well! I met him in person dozens of times and I even discussed possible work for me with him while I was actively looking for a job after the death of Pierre Péladeau in 1998. I also attended several of his performances back stage or been at private events including one of his birthdays organized by one of his vice-presidents who knew me. If I liked Rozon, he never liked me and I soon realized that the character, either feared me or did not like my style... I had confirmation of this the day one of Rozon's three sisters, with whom I was very close, offered to ask Gilbert to hire me while my job search was stalling everywhere. Gilbert's sister told me that he was able to help me and that she would ask him to find me a job in his vast empire. However, a few days later, very uncomfortable, she was telling me that she had spoken to him but he had told her that there was nothing available, for the moment! I was not surprised because six months before, I had been selected for a communication job in the Festival by the director of the English section, but when Gilbert had seen me in the office of his manager, I was contacted the next day and told that the process was stopped because of budget issue ... To say that I am sad for the woes of Gilbert this Wednesday evening of October 18, 2017 would be lying, on my part... In my opinion, Just For Laughs will be sold to Evenko by Christmas ... What will be next for the entertainment world?
First it is obvious that the two stars of Wednesday are completely out of play for life! But the worst is that there will be more in the coming weeks. Characters like Eric and Gilbert are still in the game, not just in entertainment... The question is who will be next? I have five or six names in mind but I will not make predictions.
I prefer to stick to political projections ... To be continued! SEE REPORT THE PRESS
THE END OF A MONTREAL TRADITION... By Bernard Bujold - Cyrille Estève (65), one of Montreal's most famous street musicians, is about to retire. Indeed, after playing a wooden spoon for 20 years in front of the department store Ogilvy on Sainte-Catherine Street West, the musician will cease his activities at the end of October 2017! SEE STORY LA PRESSE
BOMBARDIER GIVES FULL CONTROL TO AIRBUS - By Bernard Bujold - Bombardier sold 50.01% of its assets in the C SERIES project to Airbus. While some are delighted by the rescue of the Quebec company by a European giant, other observers fear the same fate for the jewel in Quebec as that experienced by Alcan ... The new limited partnership controlled by Airbus will continue to operate with the Government of Quebec as its third largest shareholder. And to circumvent the trade block with the United States, Airbus is committed, once the transaction is completed by the end of the second quarter of 2018, to transform its plant in Mobile, Alabama, into the assembly plant of the C Series. The aircraft that will be assembled there will be considered as US aircraft and will thus be able to escape US countervailing duties. The strangest clause of this surprise transaction remains the two options granted to the two largest shareholders of the new limited partnership, Airbus and Bombardier, which they can each exercise at their convenience.
Indeed, seven and a half years after completion of the transaction, at the end of 2025, Airbus will have the option of making an offer to acquire all of the shares held by Bombardier in the C Series at fair market value . Conversely, by the end of 2025, Bombardier may require Airbus to redeem its entire interest in the C Series at its fair market value. Beginning in 2023, the 19% interest that Investissement Québec holds in the C Series may be acquired by the limited partnership, and ultimately by Airbus. In other words, Bombardier clearly intends to dispose of all its shares in the C Series once the program reaches its alleged full production rate by 2025, leaving Airbus the sole prime contractor for the program. SEE STORY THE GAZETTE
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