THE SKI SEASON... The 2016-2017 ski season is not here yet but it is the right time to "polish" and to "shine" skis...
Winter is in preparation for his departure to our region!
MARK ZUCKERBERG AND DONALD TRUMP By Bernard Bujold- MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO of Facebook, is taking side with DONALD TRUMP and defended his presidential candidacy. Some Facebook employees pushed to remove Trump’s FACEBOOK posts as hate speech but CEO Mark Zuckerberg ruled to keep presidential candidate’s posts even if it spurred heated internal debates.
Zuckerberg ruled that it would be inappropriate to censor an official U.S. presidential candidate. SEE STORY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Leonard Cohen - YOU WANT IT DARKER By Bernard Bujold- There are artists who mark their time and thus become eternal in history. LEONARD COHEN is one of those and his new album YOU WANT IT DARKER, directed by his son Adam and officially launched Friday, October 21, 2016, confirms the artist of exception that is LEONARD COHEN. I had the pleasure, a few years ago, to photograph Leonard, his son Adam, his muse Anjani Thomas as well as to visit their home in Montreal. Of all the artists I have known or met, Leonard Cohen is one whose work, music and poetry most marked and joined my soul! His new album is now my favorite... P.S. I've always loved the name of Leonard... because it is also the name of my father! SEE THE PHOTO ALBUM STUDIO1; SEE STORY LA PRESSE - YOU WANT IT DARKER;
By Bernard Bujold - PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2016 (PART THREE) - DONALD TRUMP IS THE WINNER Donald Trump dominated the third Presidential Debate (October 19, 2016) in criticizing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama policies and it now up to the voters to decide on November 8, 2016. To be continued... SEE PICTURES FROM THIRD DEBATE ;
JUSTIN TRUDEAU REFUSES TO SUPPORT HILLARY CLINTON By Bernard Bujold - Justin Trudeau refuses to condemn Donald Trump and said that he will support any winner of the candidates actually running for President of the United States. It is a very serious statement considering the deep friendship between Justin and Barack Obama.
This statement means that the US campaign 2016 is far from over. A government (diplomatic staff) usually has inside information regarding the real situation of a political campaign in another country and Justin Trudeau probably knows that Donald Trump could win the election and that is the reason of his statement. It is impossible for the regular citizens to read with precision the campaign by watching the media as many large ones are siding for Hillary Clinton (New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, etc).
But the reality is that the campaign is very ties split in the middle in many of the states that will elect the next US President on November 8 and any one of the two leading candidates could be elected. To be continued... SEE STORY NATIONAL POST
COLOURS OF AUTUMN 2016 - The colors of autumn 2016 are beautiful and you should take advantage. Good fall season to all! SEE MORE PHOTOS
By Bernard Bujold - The Old Port of Montreal recently hosted visitors from a larger group and whose behavior was reminiscent of a feature film! Indeed, hundreds of seagulls invaded the Old Port to the sound of their cry and their hover close to the ground.
The show was exciting but also very temporary because, as a good visitor, the tourist-birds stayed only a few days. SEE MORE PHOTOS
Not surprisingly, Julie Payette leaves the Montreal Science Centre. The Old Port of Montreal (federal agency) is in lock out with his support staff for a debate on the wage to $15 an hour and we can say that, if the Montréal tourism season was exceptional in number of visitors, the Science Centre has completely lost its been since remained closed... The statement does not mention anything about future projects Julie... SEE STORY
By Bernard Bujold - The misadventure of Donald Trump with his bus discussions (gym) reminded me a similar story about me. When I was barely 20 years old, young announcer on television, I was serious in my loving hopes on one of the secretaries at the station. A colleague once asked me, to make conversation while I waited before going on air, what were my plans with the girl as several co-workers knew of my interest in her?
Wishing to appear "bright" I said, jokingly, that I was like a wizard with women and that they all fell like 'rabbits' in my nets!
A few days later, the secretary in question came to bring me a cassette tape saying it was an important news that had just brought a citizen.
The reality was that the colleague had registered me in secret with the connivance of the technician when I boasted about my magic on rabbits ... Needless to say, my amorous ambitions have not been on any more! CONCLUSION: Always be careful because there may be a hidden microphone that awaits us...
By Bernard Bujold- About once a month I receive emails or comments about texts or photographs I have published on the Internet sometimes a few years back.
I'm always surprised that the Internet and technology are becoming a little eternal life in time ... The last correspondence I have received this week is that of a former employee of the Philadelphia Journal (1977-1981) who was trying to trace a fellow of her time. By doing a Google search, she came across the name of the colleague in my biography of Pierre Péladeau published in 2003, read it and then contacted me to try to reach her former colleague and friend.
I forwarded the email correspondence with the friend to the lady and she got in touch with him. CONCLUSION: The technology is often magical and sometimes it bring us close to eternity ...
By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1) - US PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2016 (PART TWO) DONALD TRUMP IS THE WINNER BOTH WAYS! The second US Presidential Debate on Sunday, October 9, 2016, was again very rough. One could say that Donald Trump was the winner but the real question is: "Who will win the election on next November 8? But one could also say that Donald Trump will win in both ways! If he loses the election, he will still be a rich business man and the Presidential campaign will have given him and his family a new worldwide exposure for their business projects. For Hillary Clinton, the loss of the election will be more of a drama as her only passion of life is to be a politician. To be continued. SEE PICTURES FROM THE DEBATE
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