MERRY CHRISTMAS - December 25, 2016 By Bernard Bujold - Santa Claus was loyal to the appointment in the first minutes after midnight and he brought the desired gifts (which we obviously bought for him to come and deliver them to us...) The three goblins left in the early morning in the sled of Santa, under a magnificent sun. The elf Donald, a very nice and dynamic character, promised me to come back next year! We quickly became close friends, for life... Merry Christmas to all!
Next step: New Year Day 2017. View photo album
THE DIVINE SAVIOR - By Bernard Bujold - Christmas is inspired by the Church and the birth of the divine Savior of mankind.
Whether one is believing or not in church or in God, it remains that the Christmas celebration brings to the thought about and the review of life. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! View Photo Album
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS OF MY LIFE - By Bernard Bujold - The 2016 Christmas will be for me one of the happiest of my life! Indeed, the victory of Donald Trump made me a man happy... It is not the political aspect that satisfies me, but the philosophical side of Donald Trump. His victory at the US presidency is also the victory of his philosophy of "Positive Thinking"! I have always applied this positive philosophy in my personal life since my teens and a defeat of Donald Trump would have been the defeat of the fundamental belief on which I lived, and still lives today, all my life. The victory of Donald Trump is proof that it is possible to fulfill his dreams and achieve his goals, despite the obstacles or opposition of others. This is proof that we must not hesitate to think greater than the present! As Donald says: " If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." The victory of Donald Trump is also a victory against the right-minded people of this world and those who despise ordinary people. Those who did not want the election of Donald Trump are right-minded for many and defenders of the elite in society including notably the mainstream media! Of course, Donald's victory is not an end in itself, but another page of our history. I cried three times of joy in my personal life story! The first time when my son was born; the second time when my daughter was born; and the third time on November 9, 2016 at dawn after the victory of Donald Trump. You have to know how to take advantage of the victories of life and for me Christmas 2016 and New Year Day 2017 celebrations will be the occasion to rejoice and satisfy me that "Succeeding" is not impossible if one really believes in it; if one works hard to realize his dream; and if one thinks positively. Merry Christmas to all and my best wishes for an excellent year 2017 filled with joy, great personal accomplishments and, of course, love!
DONALD TRUMP - PERSON OF THE YEAR By Bernard Bujold - The magazine TIME officially named Donald Trump as PERSON OF YEAR 2016.This is the 90th that the magazine have named the person who had the greatest influence on the events of the year. SEE THE CHOICE SEE FULL STORY
THE FRIENDS OF DONALD - by Bernard Bujold The faithful and brave Ulysse LeChien made a very interesting discovery morning on this first Saturday of December 2016... Indeed, Santa's Little Elves came to greet him and tell him that Christmas 2016 will be wonderful!
The friends The Elves have also brought their new leader: the great and valorous Elf Donald! To be continued... SEE ALBUM PHOTO
GILLES VAILLANCOURT - FROM DIGNITARY TO PARIA By Bernard Bujold - GILLES VAILLANCOURT, former mayor of Laval, took charge of the prison for at least 2 years. (1 December 2016) Life is, to say the least, unpredictable! The fate of mayor Vaillancourt resembles that of former Lieutenant Governor Lise Thibault.
Conclusion: the dignitaries of our society sometimes become, from one day to the next, pariahs! SEE STORY LA PRESSE
CONCLAVE - ROBERT HARRIS- By Bernard Bujold - I am reading now the novel by Robert Harris: CONCLAVE. This polar is about the election of a Pope and even if it is a fiction, one could make connection with the election of Pope Francis. The novel even has a character from Quebec that is close to Cardinal Marc Ouellet but who go under the name of Cardinal Tremblay... This book is really unique and the description of the action is very representative of the environment at the Vatican.
An excellent reading for the month of December and the Christmas Holiday... SEE BOOK DESCRIPTION
DONALD TRUMP AND HIS RAINMAKER By Bernard Bujold - The secret for the success of Donald Trump in the 2016 US Presidential Election is his Rainmaker, Jared Kushner. Donald Trump's son-in-law is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election,” adds Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, who helped design the Clinton campaign’s technology system. “Best I can tell, Kushner actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources... like a Silicon Valley startup" See story FORBES MAGAZINE
DONALD TRUMP AND THE JOURNALISTS... By Bernard Bujold- The next target of the new US President Elect, Donald Trump, could be the journalists as the majority of them were, and still are, supporters of Hillary Clinton... The Columbia Journalism Review reported last October, that campaign-finance disclosures show that those who work in journalism gave $396,000 to the 2016 presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Mr. Trump, but with more than 96% of the financial contribution going to Mrs. Clinton... DONALD TRUMP could change the attribution of the press passes and accredit more internet journalists! SEE FULL STORY WSJ
(August 13, 1926 - November 26, 2016) By Bernard Bujold - El padre de la Revolución Cubana is dead...
Fidel Castro was one of the symbol in modern history of courage, charismatic leadership and a well-known character by all people all over the world.
His death turns a full chapter of the world history.
Rest in Peace dear FIDEL CASTRO: "Mi querido amigo y mentor"! SEE STORY THE NEW YORK TIMES
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