By Bernard Bujold (LeStudio1) -
I read the new book by Nathalie Simard "LES CHEMINS DE MA LIBERTÉ" which brings back to the forefront the tragic history of sexual abuse of Nathalie by her manager Guy Cloutier.
I met Nathalie only once on the publication of her first book written by my friend Michel Vastel but I knew Guy Cloutier well while I was involved in the Quebec music industry through my role at Quebecor. (Pierre Peladeau father hated Guy Cloutier and he even banned him from publication in its various magazines...)
This tragedy of Nathalie Simard is not unique and is similar in a way to the other even darker event of the Quebec renowned coach skiing, Bertrand Charest, who was recently arrested and charged with sexual assault on eight female athletes. The proceedings against him dating back to the 90s and were committed over several years, while the victims were minors.
Nathalie's new book tells in detail about Guy Cloutier aggression towards her and we can only be appalled by these abuses.
What is very sad about this story is that the destiny of Nathalie was destroyed by the actions of her manager to whom she trusted when she was 11 years old. One may wonder what would have been the fate of Nathalie Simard now 45 years old if Guy Cloutier did not abused her? Would she have become a big star as Véronique Cloutier with a magazine, broadcasts programs, family and fame? What would have become of Veronique if she had been sexually abused by her father or her manager?
However, the most horrifying of all this is not, Nathalie's fate which is unfortunate but ultimately it will have destroyed the lives of only two people: Nathalie Simard and Guy Cloutier. No, the most terrifying about this type of event is that there are hundreds of other similar cases.
How many fates and destiny that could have been beautiful life but which have become or will become hell?
The interview Nathalie Petrowski sums up the situation very well.
Photo 1: Nathalie Simard and Guy Cloutier medallion;
Photo 2: Cover of the book;
Photo 3: Nathalie Simard;