By Bernard Bujold -
Either that we are celebrating 20 years or running on 70 years old, the most important place on earth will always be his home region.
For me, this place is the Gaspésie of my childhood with its sea (Bay of Chaleur) and his beautiful blue; its seagulls, beaches and boat trips; and its seasons which, if they are different from urban seasons in climate and colors, however, mark the passage of time in the same way that city in a cycle that does not really change from one year to another. Finally, in my book, the most beautiful wonder of the world is undoubtedly the famous Rocher Percé...
There is also the "small history" of the Gaspé Peninsula. Its small political history with Gérard D. Lévesque, René Lévesque and Bona Arsenault. We could add Nathalie Normandeau... There is also the small history of communications with the CHNC New Carlisle radio and television CHAU-TV installed for a long time at the top of the mountain in Carleton. It was the heyday with Radio-Canada, long before the era of Google, Internet and wireless...
Finally, I love the presbyteries because my mother's sister was the servant of the priest of my village. My aunt was an excellent cook and I can say that I spent half my childhood in the kitchen of the rectory as a second residence. I keep beautiful and delicious memories...
All that to say that it will be my birthday this Saturday June 28, 2014 and, as every year, I will be thinking of my dear Gaspésie. I will celebrate the anniversary as I feast every year since I live in the city with a fish meal and a glass of red wine to make me relive a few hours the emotions and memories of my youth and see the passage of life.
Unfortunately, the era of the past is in the past, but the memory is eternal and I'm not a true romantic. So I'll start to live the present moment on Sunday morning, with a certain pleasure and realistic satisfaction... Memories should also never be relived every day but only a short time to look at and only occasionally. In any case, this is sufficient for me.
The passing of time is not romanticism but a reality, maybe the only one...
PS. I know that fish is eaten with white wine... But for me the red wine represents the city while the fish is my childhood. By combining the two (red wine and fish), I reconcile the time of a meal both worlds of my life!
Photo 1: Bernard Bujold and birthday dinner;
Photo 2 and 3: Percé (Gaspésie);
View photo album Gaspé ;