Bernard Bujold ( LeStudio1.com ) -
We must recognize the value of a man in his courage to display his opinions.
Marcel Aubut admire the work of Vladimir Putin in the organization of Sochi Games and he does not hide to say it. We must recognize that he has the courage of his opinions!
At another level, Justin Trudeau apologized for his joke on the TV show TOUT LE MONDE EN PARLE but he was absolutely right. Knowing the character and reputation of Vladimir Putin, it is certain that the Russian leader is in a very bad mood after the defeat of his hockey team. It is said that at the Vancouver Games , he would have asked his pilots to turn back his private jet when he learned that Russia lost to Canada. He was not there to receive the flag as is the Olympic tradition...
One must be able to defend his opinions and, according to me, Marcel Aubut does it very well ! This does not mean that he supports violence in Ukraine but simply that everything is not black and white and that there are nuances. We must recognize that the Sochi Games were well organized on the sport aspect, even if some other political decisions by Putin not acceptable.
We must also recognize that the Russian president should not be easy to approach in this time specifically since losing to hockey. The reality of life is such that human feelings are influencing the decisions of world leaders !
Congratulations to Marcel Aubut to defend his opinions and lets wait a bit before asking for favors to Vladimir...
Photo 1: Vladimir Putin and Justin Trudeau ;
Photo 2: Vladimir Putin and Marcel Aubut ;
Photo 3: Sidney Crosby Sochi 2014;
Photo 4: Stadium Sochi 2014
See story National Post Justin Trudeau ;
See story Journal de Montreal Marcel Aubut ;
See story Marcel Aubut Magazine Actualité ;