By Bernard Bujold ( LeStudio1.com ) -
It is customary with the beginning of a new year to take stock and look at the new one.
Here is my personal view about my three joys and three misfortunes in 2013; and my three predictions and three wishes for 2014.
JOYS IN 2013
1 . APPLE IPAD AIR (The essential tool for photo and internet communication);
2 . NESPRESSO COFFEE (One should have tried it to understand... );
3 . JUSTIN TRUDEAU ( The most exciting and refreshing politician in 2013. Probably also the futur Prime Minister of Canada in 2015 ... );
1 . DEFEAT OF MELANIE JOLY ( She could have won the title Mayor of Montreal !);
2 . DEATH OF PERSONALITIES ( Paul Desmarais, Isabelle Peladeau, Pier Béland, Luc Beauregard, Vito Rizzuto, and many others. Whenever a known personality dies, it is also a little part of our personal history which is ending );
3 . AILES DE LA MODE ( The transformation of upscale store Les Ailes de la Mode on Ste -Catherine in Montreal , as imagined by Paul Delage Roberge early in 2002 , became in 2013 a sort of bazaar liquidation discount center. Les Ailes de la Mode will close permanently in 2014 );
1 . QUEBEC PROVINCIAL ELECTION ( Pauline Marois was not since her election, and in any way, better than Jean Charest. Unfortunately, Philippe Couillard does not pass the ramp and we will, inevitably, be entitled to another minority government, Liberal or PQ, at the next election ... );
2 . RETURN OF COMPASSION ( The path traced by Pope Francis will be an inspiration for other leaders and citizens around the world , regardless of religion );
3. VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY ( Economy and communications become more virtual and "in the cloud");
1 . MORE HONESTY ( According to me , the lack of honesty and integrity is the direct source of all problems in our society );
2 . SEVERAL NEW BOOKS ( I love reading the paper book even though I am a very big fan of virtual technology. My favorite bookstore is Indigo);
3. HEALTH , LOVE AND PROSPERITY ! (With these three elements together, the happiness will be present in our lives...).
Happy New Year 2014!
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