Several men, including myself, would give their souls to occupy the place of Tiger Woods and have the life he had before the accident with his Cadillac ...
A beautiful and intelligent wife as Elin Nordegren, two beautiful children and a personal fortune estimated at one billion dollars. This is not counting a career he loved and dominated as one of the best in the world.
Why after being so lucky in life, an individual risk everything in sexual adventures? We cannot say that Woods is a "gambler" in the sense that he loves poker and the risk for risk. If he cheated on his wife it is because he is searching for something that he do not find with Elin. What was he looking for?
The story of Tiger Woods is very similar to the one of another great champion, that of Andre Agassi. Both athletes have been created by a dominating father. Without their father, those two children would never have become the champion they became. However in the case of Andre, he broke from the dependency of his father and he realized that his life belonged to him. He was then very fortunate to meet Steffi Graff, who had lived much the same situation with his own father.
Tiger Woods lives in mourning for his father and it is clear that he search for himself on a personal level. In a sense, he is an orphan abandoned since the death of his father Earl in May 2006! This whole story is very sad because the world did not need to lose another model whose number becomes less and less. Unfortunately, whenever a legend is broken, it is also our trust in others which is diminishing.
The best thing for us would be to cease to believe in legends and appreciate people for who they are, nothing more. To believe that there are gods and superior beings is like believing in Santa Claus and everyone knows his story is pure legend ...
Regarding Tiger Woods, hopefully he will understand that the chance in life is not a talent but a privilege, as understood Andre Agassi. One must know when to stop and enjoy his winnings or he will risk of losing everything by believing himself infallible.
Bernard Bujold
www.LeStudio.com Note: For the gallery, I would like to add that I have been in love with a lookalike of Elin. Unfortunatly, contrary to Tiger story, she is the one that did not want me! Her name was Sunni as in Sunny Days!
Photo 1: Tiger Wood and his family;
Photo 2: Elin Nordegren and Tiger Wood;
Photo 3: André Agassi and his family